Why You Should Ditch Front-End JSONs and Embrace Server-Side Translations in Your Apps

Vasil Rashkov
4 min readAug 29, 2024

Let’s cut to the chase. If you’re still relying on front-end JSON files for translations in your apps, you’re doing it wrong. Sure, it might have worked when you were building that small app with a few dozen users, but as your user base grows, so do the complexities. And trust me, nothing kills the user experience faster than poorly managed translations.

So, what’s the alternative? Server-side translations. It’s the upgrade you didn’t know you needed, but once you make the switch, you’ll wonder how you ever got by without it. Let’s break down why server-side translations are the way to go and why it’s time to say goodbye to those front-end JSON files.

The Problem with Front-End JSON Translations

You probably started using front-end JSON files because it seemed simple. Just throw your translations into a few JSON files, load them into your app, and boom — you’re supporting multiple languages. But here’s the thing: simplicity is deceptive. As your app scales, this approach becomes a ticking time bomb.

Here’s why:

1. Performance Hits: Every time a user loads your app, you’re potentially loading a massive JSON file with every possible translation, even if they only need…



Vasil Rashkov

Senior Software Engineer. Running a software agency on the side.